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There is a general agreement that sustainability can only be achieved through the modification of lifestyle choices. Yet various studies have shown that positive attitudes toward change do not parallel actions taken toward that change.

Just as the purchaser of a hybrid vehicle can commute two hours a day, stop at Dunkin’ Donuts every morning, and toss their trash out the window, so can the purchaser of a green home run water, trash recyclables, and leave the lights on all day.

So, how can a home be designed to serve as a catalyst for a sustainable lifestyle?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's an assumption (safe or not) that people that buy hybrid cars and live in green homes take pride in their lifestyle choice and pay attention to their habits. However, people are people and I think reminders can be a good thing....energy monitors, maybe that tell them their electricity and water consumption...in plain view where they may serve as a bit of a slap in the face if necessary. As far as other green habits, the easier tasks are to perform, the more likely people will be to perform them. So, recycling chutes perhaps that would drop the recycling to bins outside? Things like that?
